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placement test(placement)

2024-06-07 06:01:07
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。placement test,placement这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、安置课程双语例句1.An...

大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。placement test,placement这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、安置课程双语例句1.An Investigation of College English Placement Teaching INTRODUCTION OF THE COURSE STRUCTURE大学英语课程分级教学探讨2.After the Chinese becomes one of the four Advanced Placement Courses in American high schools, 2400 high schools begin to set the Chinese Advanced Placement Course.自中文成为美国高中新增加的四门大学先修课程之一以来,已经有2400所学校开始开设AP中文课程。

2、3.The AP Course is the abbreviation of the Advanced Placement Course, we also call it the Pre-university Courses. It is set up for the students who are capable in the high school stage, it amounts to the junior level courses in the university.美国大学先修课程又叫大学预修课程(简称AP课程),是在高中阶段向学有余力的学生开设的相当于大学低年级水平的课程。

3、4.The Application of Case Introduction and Question Placement Teaching Method in Nursing Management course案例导入与问题设置教学法在《护理管理学》教学中的应用5.imported malaria case The Application of Case Introduction and Question Placement Teaching Method in Nursing Management course外地传入的疟疾病例案例导入与问题设置教学法在《护理管理学》教学中的应用.。

