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2023-04-20 22:03:27
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。bewhatyouwannabe歌词节奏划分,bewhatyouwannabe歌词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


1、be what you wanna be比我求旺纳逼doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer刀客忒儿,埃克特儿,老叶儿 奥恶四英歌儿why not president, be a dreamer 歪闹特普瑞怎特。

2、比恶追么儿you can be just the one you wanna be 由肯抓斯比我求旺纳逼police man, fire fighter or a post man普立斯曼,菲尔菲特儿奥恶普斯特曼why not something like your old man歪撒姆斯英莱克妖欧曼you can be just the one you wanna be 由肯抓斯比我求旺纳逼I know that we all got one thing 癌耨来喔为凹高特完斯英that we all share together 莱特为凹晒儿完斯英特该泽儿we got that one nice dream为凹高特莱特完斯英奈斯缀么we live for为赖唔否儿you never know what life could bring由乃玩儿耨喔特赖弗酷的不瑞英coz nothing last for ever铐子纳斯英拉斯否艾玩儿just hold on to the team抓斯后的昂秃则替姆you play for由普类否儿I know you could reach the top 癌耨由酷的瑞持则套Pmake sure that you wont stop 魅客苏儿由翁特斯套Pbe the one that you wanna be鼻则万莱特由旺纳必now sing this with me那屋斯英贼斯围子密we may have different ways to think 为梅害唔迪F润特位子秃斯荫克but it doesnt really matter霸诶大怎瑞类买勒儿we all caught up in the steam为凹拷特啊P因则斯替Mof this life哦F贼斯赖Ffocus on every little thing否卡斯盎哎沃儿类搂斯英thats what does really matter来次沃特大字瑞类买勒儿luxury cars and bling路克色瑞咔S安B另thats not real life来次闹T瑞泪赖Flast year i used to dream about this day喇斯叶儿癌又似吐缀M恶霸U特贼斯得now Im here Im singing for you那屋癌M嘿儿斯英否由i hope i could inspire you 癌后P癌酷的因斯派儿由coz Ive got all the love, coz Ive got all love for you铐子癌U高特凹则喇U,铐子癌U高特凹喇U否由字母的部分用汉语拼音就行。


